Sunday, December 16, 2012

Pink Pants Week

I got something new last week.  I know that I wasn't going to shop for myself this holiday season and I have been very good.  BUT, and obviously that's a big but, I had to have these pants.  I paid $12.54 for them with the promo and my employee discount.
Pink Pants
I bought pink pants ya'll.  They are not light pink, baby pink, hot pink or fluorescent pink but a beautiful crisp flamingo pink.  They are the PERFECT color pink IMNSHO (in my not so humble opinion).  I am not a pink person normally but I knew that these would work well in my wardrobe and fill a hole for some outfit ideas that I had in my head.

Why the solo picture of pants?  Well, I had to immediately upload it into my closet on Go Chic or Go Home (see that sidebar button over there) and start making ensembles.  Hoo boy was that fun!  I think I made 13 without even trying very hard.  If you want a sneak peak of what's to come, go to GCOGH and check it out.

As a result of my closet mixing...and because I am getting ready to leave for a two week trip to the East Coast and won't have time to take outfit pics...this week is hereby named Pink Pants Week.

Grey is an obvious pairing with pink, and I never wear this shirt so I grabbed it first and liked the slouchy effect.  I also have several other grey tops and cardigans that I can use to mix and match for the same kind of look.  Even looking at these pictures I can see swapping in a plain white tee or tank top and keeping that grey cardigan for yet more variation on the theme.  I am so very happy with my purchase!!!  

Stay tuned tomorrow for Pink Pants look 2!  


**Prayers for all in Newton, CT and around the world suffering unimaginable losses.


  1. I clicked on your site, saw my blog back ground and was like woa .. was totally confused. I know the back ground is a template for all to use :-) I'm going to re-vamp my site, but a little scare to implement it.

    Anywhoo, love your pink pants! So cute and looks lovely with the gray shirt and sweater.


    1. Monica...I've been playing with my backgrounds all week!!! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Love your pink pants! So much fun! ;) I recently bought a pair too and my first outfit with them was a grey sweater and silver flats! ;)

    1. CC--

      I know...I think I commented on that post!!! ;o) Gotta love how much we think alike.
